Biophotonics Seminar Series

The Biophotonics Seminar Series is held to showcase cutting-edge research in biophotonics. It provides an opportunity for students, faculty, and experts to come together and learn about the latest developments in the field. Presenters discuss their research, methods, and techniques, and how their findings may be used in various applications. The topics covered range from basic theory to advanced techniques and technology, as well as cross-disciplinary areas. Each seminar is followed by a question-and-answer session where attendees can ask questions to gain deeper insights into the subject matterThrough this series of seminars, we aim to promote collaboration between research groups, provide a platform for students and researchers to exchange ideas, and build connectionsWe are dedicated to advancing the field of biophotonics, and this Seminar Series is one way in which we do so.

Name Affiliation Title 
Professor Baowei Fei


Professor of Bioengineering and Cecil H. and Ida Green Chair in Systems Biology Science at the University of Texas at Dallas

Hyperspectral Imaging for Cancer Detection and Image-Guided Surgery

Samuel Achilefu PhD
Samuel Achilefu, PhD
Professor and Lyda Hill Distinguished University Chair in Biomedical Engineering

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

Lighting the Path to Cancer Detection and Therapy
Simon Poland, PhD
Simon Poland, PhD
Research Fellow
King’s College London
Massively Parallel Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy to Investigate Cellular Dynamics
Nimmi Ramanujam, PhD
Nimmi Ramanujam, PhD
Professor and Director
Center for Global Women’s Health Technologies
Robert W. Carr, Jr. Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University
A Technological Approach to Tackling Invisible Barriers to Cancer Progression and Death
Jonathan Lasch, Phd
Jonathan Lasch, Phd
Executive Director
Alfred E. Mann Institute for Biomedical Engineering
University of Southern California
Technology Development: The Pull Model and Lessons Learned
Kristen Maitland, PhD
Kristen Maitland, PhD
Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Director Microscopy & Imaging Center
Texas A&M University
Optical Imaging Technologies for Detection of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Weijian Yang, PhD
Weijian Yang, PhD
Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, UC Davis Optical Microscopy Principles and Applications in Brain Research
Vivek Srinivasan
Vivek Srinivasan, PhD
Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering,
UC Davis
NIR Spectroscopy Principles and Applications in Brain Research
Lin Tian, PhD
Lin Tian, PhD
Assistant Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, UC Davis Optical Molecular Probes and Optogenetics Principles and Applications in Brain Research
Saif Islam, PhD
Saif Islam, PhD
Professor and Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering, UC Davis Advanced Technologies for imaging and Sensing of Faint Signals of Light, Chemicals and Bio-agents
Randy Carney, PhD
Randy Carney, PhD
Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering,
UC Davis
Raman Spectroscopy, SERS Principles; ERS Based Diagnostic Platform for Cancer Diagnostics
Jurgen Popp
Jürgen Popp, PhD
Professor, Physical Chemistry, Leibniz-IPHT/FSU Jena Leibniz-IPHT Linear and Non-linear Raman Spectroscopy Principles: Applications in Clinical Diagnostics (Infectious Diseases, Cancer Detection, etc.)
Laura Marcu
Laura Marcu, PhD
Professor, Biomedical Engineering, UC Davis Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Imaging Principles: Applications in Tissue Diagnostics (Cancer and Cardiovascular)
Daniel Elson, PhD
Daniel Elson, PhD
Professor, Surgical Imaging and Biophotonics, Imperial College London Multispectral Imaging, Ultrasound Mediated Optical Tomography, Structured Lighting, Light Sources in Endoscopy and Scattering Spectroscopy
Stefan Andersson Engels
Stefan Anderson-Engels, PhD
Head, Biophotonics, Tyndall National Institute; Professor, Physics, University College Cork Optical Molecular Imaging in Tissue Diagnostics (5-ALA, etc) — Principles: Applications to Cancer Diagnostic and Therapy
Robert Zawadzki, PhD
Robert Zawadzki, PhD
Associate Professor, Ophthalmology and Vision Science, UC Davis Optical Coherence Topography (OCT) — Principles: Applications in Ophthalmology
jinyi qi headshot
Jinyi Qi, PhD
Professor, Biomedical Engineering, UC Davis AI Principles and Applications in Biomedical Imaging